Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tom (Jeans) and Jerry's Non Sense Chat Log (Funny!)

It was a boring working late afternoon, as usual, I was looking for somebody to hit me with some text from my chatting tools to at least let me drift myself out from my work as my ular session:

T: hi jerry,,still alive ah?

J :ahh~~~...... ah~~~~~..... *dying*
T: ping piang.....
J: errkkK!!!!
T: chik chiak_[bullet uploading]..
J: siiiuuu....siiiiuuuuuu~~~~
*matrix-style dodging bullets*.... nyek nyek nyek...
T: croaching tiger hidden dragon ...hiok,,hak hak,,,hek,,,[kung fu]
J: hoik! *dodge* hiiippp *jump up on the air* kraaakkk!! *broke a bamboo stick* AHH~~~ *stand on the bamboo tree preparing...*
T: tieng tieng....[guitar swiping], "xiu lam kung fu hou yeh"
J: hou hou yeh
T: xiu lam kung fu geng
J: hao hao geng
T: ngor hai ti tao gong
J: ti~~ tao~~ gong~~~~
T: nei hai kam kong toi,,,,,
J: kam~ kong~~~ toi~~~~ huak!!! HUAK!!!!!!!!
T: hahhaha,,,
J: ahhaah
T: siup,,,,,[pulling out the sword]
J: huh??!!!!!!! fok fok fok *stick swinging*
T: see my 飞云!hoi,,,hah。。。。
T: 风云剑!!
J: then i cannot use stick jor
T: i forgot wat tat sword name liao...hahahha
J: 血饮狂刀
J: 绝世好剑
T: ya,,,,jue shi hao jian
J: gurup...gurup.....*eating 菩提子*
T: 小李飞刀! siup ,,,,[茶杯..flying,,,]
J: kororororoororor........... *filling 茶杯 with tea*....
T: 敬你一杯! 请问大虾贵姓?
J: 大虾? 在下老虎虾!未请教!
T: 久仰大名...
J: 不敢当
T: 一斤多少钱?
J: 放肆!什么一斤多少钱?!!!
T: 哈,难道你是用‘只’来算的?
J: 最少要买五斤!! 用‘只’来算也可以!
T: siup.....[sword....pulling]
J: !!
T: 再请教
J: 先请而后教
T: 先教再后请。。。
J: 后请而后教
T: 再后就接招!!!hiop....
J: hoik
T: ting ting ting'''[music]
J: 埋住!
T: ting ting ting ting,,,,,[walking round]
J: flok flok flok *pigeon fly in*
T: frezze...[MI2,...uom cruise walk in...opps...]
J: 大侠原来是同道中人
T: 你是哪一道?我是常迟道。。。。你呢?
J: 山中飞鸽传书, 说大侠原来是来买秘密老虎虾!
T: 对...老兄...
J: 飞鸽传书说,Mariah Carey 要来,要买老虎虾请他吃
T: 对....
T: 不好意思,昨天mariah 说他不想吃了
J: !!
T: tom cruise,,要吃....
J: 唉,飞鸽传书就是不够SMS快, 已经叫他们用SMS了...
T: 错,我们用3G
J: 3鸡?
T: siup....[PDA pulling,,]
J: 难怪三只小猪过时了。。。
T: ya,,,看我的最新山鸡, 最快,,最大,,,最划算
J: 高明高明!
T: 而且还是黑剃鸡{HTC}!!!
J: 可以跟我们虾帮派的千里传音相比
T: 难怪你outdate了, 我们可以传万里了
J: 让我把这太黑剃鸡拍起来,siup! [HP take out]
T: 泰国龙珠上等3鸡,可以传万里家
J: 我这个锁你屎未索(Sony Cybershot)
T: 锁你屎未索!! 黑剃鸡的死对头!!
J: 不错吧?
T: 屎未索已经收皮了。。
J: 不可能!
T: 讲多无谓。。。。看招!
J: hiippp
T: croaching tiger..[croach croach croach...]
J: hidden dragon [shouting...roarr.....roaarrr.....]
T: wah...really tired...来杯乌龙茶
J: 我不要, 我要黑龙茶!
T: ring ring ring...[黑剃鸡响了。。]
T: 老虎虾兄...在下又要使...任务难违。。。
J: *听~~妈妈的~~~话~~*[锁你响了]
T: 后会有期...
J: 等等!
J: shiupppp *tea cup sliding*
T: 嘿,,我接
J: 先敬茶。。。。
T: 我 siup....再请你茶
J: 很涨了,谢谢
T: 不客气
J: 你已经中毒了, muahahahhaha!
T: 哈哈哈...看我的
T: hoiikkk....puuuuu....[vomit out the tea]
J: 早料到你会这样, 其实毒中在你的手,
T: 哈哈密密麻麻。。。。。你也中招了!含笑半步丁!!hohoho..
J: :X顾名思义要含笑, 半步,才丁。我没有半步所以没丁
T: hoik,,,,,,[jumping to the air force 1]
J: 你!!!别跑~
T: obama need my helps
J: oops *walked*
T: he said he cannot pang sai, i need to urut 他, hoik!!
J: hoik, siup [continue yamcha]
Both: 哈哈哈....
to be continued....

Note: Tom Jeans (Facebook / Friendster) is my ex coursemate during diploma. A good looking guy, I always call him Kent Zhu Xiao Tian, because to me he really looks like him, some angle of view. He taught me a little bit of guitar last time, where I'd also joint him to jamming room before. And he's now a father, but a happy father I think. Only a happy father can able to chat to me like so funny, not like those very dull father, always talk about do's and dont's only. Haha. Hope to meet him up some day. Really long time no see.


Anonymous said...

Not bad, but I thought “血影狂刀” is actually a 刀, not a 剑? Looking forward for the second episode.

Jerry said...

ya 血饮狂刀 is a 刀. 2nd episode have to wait both of us sudd to have such mood to do so. I also dunno y tht day sudd i also turn the "mode" become like tht... ahhaa...

Anonymous said...

I can see how bored you were that day... haha!

Jerry said...

hahah... i also think so... i wanted to show jeans the link, he's not online yet...

Anonymous said...


Jerry said...




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