Monday, August 17, 2009

If's and Dont's In Facebook - You VS Employers

Here comes this very familiar pic, I believe that many guys out there received this email about this lady doing something very lunatic to get her own arse out of bounds. But have you learn any lessons before any bad things happen to you? specifically, here's some do's and dont's:

1. If you own a Facebook account, don't add your boss (very basic huh?)

2. If you added your boss, don't misuse it during office hour

3. If you misuse it during office hour, don't post something FUNNY as your shout out

4. If you posted something FUNNY as your shout out, don't relate it about your work

5. If you posted something about your work, don't say something idiotic

6. If you posted something idiotic about your work, don't mention about your BOSS

7. If you already mentioned something about your BOSS, don't say anything moo moo about him

8. If you already said anything moo moo about him, make sure you had already a confirmed worker (for confirmed employee, go to No 12, for non confirmed employees, go to No 9)

9. If you are still under probation, make sure you don't leave any stuff back in your place since you are not more faceee in order to "accidentally" see your colleagues and your BOSS.

10. If you left anything back there, don't go to collect the stuff yourself, ask somebody to do it for you.

11. If you already reach the office, say hello and goodbye to your boss.

12. If you are a confirmed employee, don't tell the boss you posted the shout out, just tell him/her that your 8 years old brother are so excited that facebook can post shout out so openly

13. If you already told your boss that, you are basically done, check your remaining annual leave and start looking for new jobs.

- The End -

WAIIIITTTTTT!!!! Shouldnt just stopped there. Let talk about, "What to do when you already added your bosssssshhhh???

1. If you added your boss in the facebook, fully utilize it, put up your link of your blog and tag his name on the link.

2. Delete all the blog entries that you say about negative comments on your company (Really have to do it meh???!!!)

3. Blog all good things about the company and how much you enjoy your work scope, including that you are looking forward to carry more responsbility which is some times not really true.

4. Pretending that he wont read your blog, say all good things about your managers and colleagues so that he thought you are a damn good teamworker.

5. State all the favorite places you are looking forward to travel such as Bali, Maldives, Sipadan, etc etc so that he could possibly suggest those location IF there's a company trip which may include you. (OHHH YEAHHHH!!!!)

6. Put all the increment and bonuses statistic of your friends in other company for his refrences in order to look good for your year end for the whole year of hard work job. (HOLY MAMMAAAA!!!!!!)

D*MN!!! DON CHA JUZ LURVVVV #5 and #6???!!!!!!

The Opinion Above Does not Represent J FM II.



cjshiu said...

I'm starting to worry whether I should continue posting my comment or message here since your boss & boss are actually the same.

Is there anyway to delete my previous post?!

Jerry said...

ya.. but wanna challenge?? hahaha

elims Chuang Kuang Hong 庄光宏 said...

Just manage to read your msg slowly and thoroughly..

Great one!

You are great in expressing point! You boss will surely be 'impressed' if he read this~~ ^_^

Jerry said...

ahah sry la a bit lengthy.. ya... ask ur boss to come and see also so he know u wont blog sthg bad bout him... ahhaha

little flower said...

I thought in Facebook, you can select certain people under your limited profile? And they can't read your wall or view your album, right?

Jerry said...

ehem, i tot u should be sleepin d? and ya ka... later when u got online u teach me how to do it k? hehehe

shongyong said...

Haha, because I saw you typing so much on what to do after adding your boss, yet you actually can cut the hassle by grouping them into your limited profile :P

Jerry said...

shhh... don let boss see tht...

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